Well, it’s about time Coach Lovie did something about the dire starting QB spot. The question is: Is it enough?
The Bears have long been known to need a quarterback since the days of Sid Luckman, hence the predominant run-game. Even Jim McMahon, who led us to a 15-1 season and a Superbowl victory wasn’t anything special. Jim Harbaugh was awful until he went to the Colts. Since Harbaugh started for us, the following quarterbacks have also started for us:
Peter Tom Willis
Shane Matthews
Erik Kramer
Steve Walsh
Steve Stenstrom
Dave Krieg
Rick Mirer
Moses Moreno
Cade McNown
Jim Miller
Henry Burris
Chris Chandler
Cory Sauter
Rex Grossman
Kordell Stewart
Craig Krenzel
Jonathan Quinn
Chad Hutchinson
Kyle Orton
And now Brian Griese.
Is this really any consolation to any Bears fan out there? Is the entire city letting out one collective sigh upon hearing this news? Of course not. The Bears clearly have not addressed this as a serious problem. After all, it’s only the starting quarterback right? The last time we picked up a QB it was Chris Leak (Who?). And then we cut him. This last time we picked up a QB in an early draft pick it was Rex Grossman. Obviously at that time no one could have seen his pro career going as badly as it did but c’mon. Should it really have taken 5 years?!
Somehow I have the sneaking suspicion that Lovie, Ron Turner, & Jerry Angelou made the decision to bench Rex, not because he’s a talentless quarterback, but because they didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
Detroit this week shouldn’t be a challenge. I just hope we don’t have to hear, “Orton! Orton! Orton!”