They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the case of this 43rd edition of the Super Bowl, the road is paved with 43 strip clubs. As Associated Press writer Mitch Stacy points out in this article picked up by, there is a unique symmetry to party center of the universe, Tampa, Florida , which boasts count ’em 43 strip clubs, hosting Super Bowl XLIII. Poor Mitch. I wonder how he took the news that he’d have to write this piece. Better yet, I wonder how his wife took the news.
It doesn’t look like the economic downturn with affect the ladies of Mons Venus, 2001 Odyssey or any of the 41 other Tampa clubs.
"“Tampa has a reputation for having the most strip clubs and the most girls who are a lot of fun,” says a 25-year-old exotic dancer named Claudia, who left her usual gig in Las Vegas to work the Super Bowl week here. (She asked that her last name not be used to save her family any embarrassment.)Claudia says she’s worked four previous Super Bowls and expects to make as much as $2,000 a day performing at 2001 Odyssey. Most clubs treat the dancers as independent contractors who pay a flat fee to the house and keep the rest.“It’s so crazy, everybody is in a such a party mood,” she says. “It’s a whole new level of everything.”The clubs have been busy auditioning more dancers and upgrading their interiors. Some will stay open 24 hours."
It’s too bad the Dallas Cowboys and strip club aficionado Pacman Jones didn’t make it to Super Bowl!