Congratulations Steelers, but what about the Super Bowl Losers?

Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers for winning their 6th title to become the winningest team in Super Bowl history.  The Cardinals gave the Steelers everything they could handle and then some.  It was a valiant effort and a great game.  Everyone always says you never remember who lost the Super Bowl.  In honor of all those who have fallen before them, here is a list of Super Bowl Losers:

I (1967)- Kansas City Chiefs
II (1968)- Oakland Raiders
III (1969)- Baltimore Colts
IV (1970)- Minnesota Vikings
V (1971)- Dallas Cowboys
VI (1972)- Miami Dolphins
VII (1973)- Washington Redskins
VIII (1974)- Minnesota Vikings
IX (1975)- Minnesota Vikings
X (1976)- Dallas Cowboys
XI (1977)- Minnesota Vikings
XII (1978)- Denver Broncos
XIII (1979)- Dallas Cowboys
XIV (1980)- Los Angeles Rams
XV (1981)- Philadelphia Eagles
XVI (1982)- Cincinnati Bengals
XVII (1983)- Miami Dolphins
XVIII (1984)- Washington Redskins
XIX (1985)- Miami Dolphins
XX (1986)- New England Patriots
XXI (1987)- Denver Broncos
XXII (1988)- Denver Broncos
XXIII (1989)- Cincinnati Bengals
XXIV (1990)- Denver Broncos
XXV (1991)- Buffalo Bills
XXVI (1992)- Buffalo Bills
XXVII (1993)- Buffalo Bills
XXVIII (1994)- Buffalo Bills
XXIX (1995)- San Diego Chargers
XXX (1996)- Pittsburgh Steelers
XXXI (1997)- New England Patriots
XXXII (1998)- Green Bay Packers
XXXIII (1999)- Atlanta Falcons
XXXIV (2000)- Tennessee Titans
XXXV (2001)- New York Giants
XXXVI (2002)- St. Louis Rams
XXXVII (2003)- Oakland Raiders
XXXVIII (2004)- Carolina Panthers
XXXIX (2005)- Philadelphia Eagles
XL (2006)- Seattle Seahawks
XLI (2007)- Chicago Bears
XLII (2008)- New England Patriots
XLIII (2009) – Arizona Cardinals

Keep your heads up Cardinal fans.  This too shall pass.  I know firsthand the pain you feel right now.  (see XLI 2007 – Chicago Bears).  In a couple of years, you’ll hardly remember how bad this loss stings.   Training camp will be here before you know it.

