Bills Sign T.O. – Jauron’s head to explode any minute now

The Buffalo Bills signed Terrell Owens on Saturday after his release by the Dallas Cowboyslate last week.  This is a dome-scratcher on many levels.  Most of all, it would surprise me if former Bears coach, the mild mannered, calm and quiet  Dick Jauron had any input on this. 

Jauron appeared to sleepwalk his way through his years patrolling the Chicago sidelines.  He wasn’t exactly a rah-rah or in-your-face kind of guy and shunned controversy and confrontation like Jerry Angelo shuns free agent pickups.

Among the many reasons I hated the idea of signing T.O. was that without strong leadership and a well-respected quarterback, T.O. could eat a team alive.   The Bills QB situation appears no better than the Bears’, Jauron is hardly firm enough to quench any T.O. fires and the Bills hardly possess a Hall-of-Famer-in-waiting like a Peyton Manning or Brett Favre to command Owens’ respect.

Some people I’ve talked to have made the Dennis Rodman comparison.  Bulls fans all hated Rodman, especially when he was the core of the Bad Boys Piston teams that used to beat up the Bulls in the late 80’s, but we quickly forgave the sins of the past when he was on our team.  I get it.  There are many players that you love to hate; when they’re on the opponent, they are the enemy, but when they join your team, they are beloved. 

The distinct difference between T.O. and Rodman is that the 90’s Bulls had Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Phil Jackson and 3 rings when Rodman brought his circus to town.  The Bills have none of those; no one to keep that megalomaniac in check.  

Selfishly, I wish T.O. had inked with the Bears, only because this blog would write itself each day with the sideshow that is T.O.  Then again, it wouldn’t be about the Bears, it would be about Owens, which is exactly what would happen in the locker room and on the field.  Have fun with that Buffalo.
