Jerry Angelo wakes from nap, hilarity ensues

Jerry Angelo awoke from his hibernation and made a couple of moves yesterday.  First, the Bears released Terrence Metcalf because there were too many linemen on the roster.  That bold move cleared the way to sign former Saints safety Josh Bullocks.  I pulled this video from Steve Rosenbloom’s Rosenblog.

I don’t get it.  How could this guy be a better choice at safety than Mike Brown?  I know Brownie has a medical file the approximate size of Alaska, but wouldn’t it be worth the risk compared to what’s out there?

In case the Bears were short on a cornerback to blow a lead in the final seconds (you’re welcome Atlanta), they signed Marcus Hamilton to a 1-year deal.

Finally, John Tait was moved from the active roster to the reserve/retired list today.  While it’s no surprise, I was still holding out hope that maybe the Bears could convince him to play one more year before retirement.

Must be nice to be 34 and retired.  I’m getting flashes of Kramer at the Seinfeld’s retirement community at Del Boca Vista, Phase II.  Like I said, hilarity ensues.  Now back to your nap Jerry.  Angelo, that is.  Seinfeld not so much.
