Your Wonderlic: Where do you rank Bears fans?

Ever wonder about your Wonderlic?  No, dirty, nothing like that.  In case you don’t know, the Wonderlic is an intelligence test administered to NFL prospects.  It is comprised of 50 questions and a 12 minute time limit.   1 point is awarded for each correct answer, so top score is 50.

Dan Pompei reported on some of the leaked scores earlier this week in the Chicago Tribune.  It got me to wondering about how I would rank among the likes of Georgia Quarterback Matthew Stafford and his 38 or North Carolina Wide Receiver Hakeem Nicks and the 11 that he posted.  By the way Hakeem, it’s not good when your Wonderlic score is closer to your 40 time than your age.

Thanks to my buddy Adam over at Arrowhead Addict, I took an abbreviated Wonderlic test here.  It’s only 10 questions given over 2:24 and the timer is running once you click in, so be ready to roll with your sharpened No. 2 pencil in hand.    Post your score in the comments section and see where you rank  among other Bears fans, if you dare.
