Bear Buzz – Weekend Edition

Time to tie up some loose ends from the week…

Reason #499 to hate Jared Allen

If the fact that he’s a Viking and that stupid mullet aren’t reason enough, check out this post on the Vikings blog. Hey Jared, you’re not rushing against John St. Clair or John Tait any more.  We’ll see what Orlando Pace has to say about that!  By the way, where you from Jared?  Texas?  Only two things come out of Texas, steers and queers and I don’t see no horns under that mullet!

What’s Greg Olsen thinking?

In case you’re ever interested, check out #82’s blog on the cleverly named Greg Olsen Official Site.  Where do these sites come up with those names?  Interesting to see how he heard about the Jay Cutler trade here.

Pre-Draft Interview

With the draft just a couple of weeks away, the folks over at (not related to my favorite radio station in Chicago) wanted some thoughts on the Bears as they prepare for the draft.  I was happy to oblige.   Give it a read, it’s chalked full of Jay Cutler and Bears draft analysis from yours truly.  Thanks to my guy Brad over at Goal Line Stand for the opportunity.

Say no to Plaxico

Here’s why Carol Slezak has replaced Jay Mariotti as the dumbest person in Chicago.  You’ll recall Carol also advocated for the Bears to go after Michael Vick.  Is she going for the all-convict team?

Pre-draft position by position analysis – Wide Receivers

Dan Pompei has started an in-depth position-by-position analysis over at the Tribune.  Especially interesting to see his top wide receivers.  When I say in-depth, I mean in depth.  If the Bears draft a guy not on his list, he is WAY under the radar.

2009 Schedule Announcement next week

In case you haven’t heard, the NFL is announcing the 2009 schedule in prime time on Tuesday, April 14th.  If that’s not reason enough to get out of bed, I don’t know what is.  Of course, we’ll have all the details including our predictions here next week.

