Do I see an endorsement deal on the way? Move over Tiger Woods and… those other two guys! Chicago Bears Pro Bowl linebacker Lance Briggs reportedly cut himself while shaving. No biggie, right? Most of us have cut ourselves while trying to get those pesky whiskers right under the nose. But I don’t know anyone who cut themselves shaving and had a bandage like this ON THEIR HAND.
For Lance’s sake, I am glad he wasn’t doing any “yardwork” or this situation could have been much worse for his social life! Briggs, who had an appearance at the cell phone store over the weekend told fans that he was trying to shave using a straight razor. One of the attendees snapped the pics and posted them on her blog. Damn bloggers!!!
From the looks of that bandage, it appears as though Briggs had to seek professional treatment for the injury. I really hope this is a legit accident and not a Bryan Robinson“I tripped and fell over my dog and broke both of my wrists” or a Brian Griese’s infamous driveway fall after a “rough night” out with teammates back in Denver.
Briggs has had a notable 0ff -field incident when he wrecked a $350,00 Lamborghini on the Edens expressway back in 2007. Briggs was the lone Bears Pro Bowler last season and has emerged as one of the leaders of the Bears defense. The organ-i-zation is said to be looking into the matter. Any while you’re at it, get him one of those fancy Fusion Power razors from Gillette.