So you think ‘you know’ the Bears new quarterback, Jay Cutler. Let’s play a little game. How many times does Jay Cutler say “you know” in the following video clip of his interview after practice on Wednesday. Fair warning: if you have trouble counting past ten, take your shoes off.
Sorry I had to do that to you . Have fun watching another Cutler interview or press conference again. Didn’t they have a Speech Com class at Vandy?
E-mail me your answer to Just be sure to put JAY CUTLER CONTEST in the Subject line. We’ll select one lucky winner, you know, to receive an awesome Bears flag like the one pictured courtesy of my new friends at CVS Flags, you know. This is no cheapo flag – it’s a high quality 3′ x 5′ Bears flag perfect for your next tailgate, you know, or to show your Bears pride on the road to the Super Bowl, you know.
Tip of the cap to my guy Louie, you know, for the suggestion. A special something might find its way into his Christmas stocking, ya know!
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