Jay Cutler Hooks up with Touchdowns for Diabetes Program

Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler has hooked up with Eli Lilly and Company to raise money for kids and share his diabetes story.

As a part of the program, they’re releasing a series of webisodes where JC takes you behind the scenes and opens up about dealing with diabetes on and off the field.  The first three webisodes have been released, with the rest coming out in November in conjunction with American Diabetes month.  Check out the first few by clicking here.

"“I kept it a secret for a while – obviously a lot longer than I should have,” Cutler says in the videos. “I thought it was something I was just going to bounce back from. A part of me just didn’t want to know…I didn’t know if I was going to continue to be able to play football.”"

This from Lilly’s press release:

"Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler hasn’t let type 1 diabetes stop him from becoming one of the NFL’s rising stars.At Lilly USA, LLC (Lilly), we’re inspired by Jay’s story. And we’re rooting for Jay to have another Pro Bowl season and lead the NFL in touchdowns and pass completions. The more success Jay has, the more kids we’ll be helping through the Touchdowns for Diabetes diabetes camp scholarship program.For every touchdown pass Jay completes during the 2009 season, Lilly will donate $1,000 — or approximately the cost of one full camp scholarship — to the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) camp scholarship fund. And for every pass Jay completes this season, we’ll donate $100 to the scholarship fund to allow even more kids the chance to attend camp next summer.So this year, rooting for Jay means rooting for kids."

Tell that to Broncos fans! So far, through four games, Jay has raised over $17,000.  Sounds like a win, win to me!


Through the month of October, my usual BEAR DOWN signoff will be in pink to raise awareness for National Breast Cancer Awareness month.
