Land of Linkin’

Time to take a spin around the web for another edition of Land of Linkin:

Bears vs Falcons predictions are rolling in over at ChicagoNow’s sports desk, while “The Professor” Brad Palmer is throwing down some analysis.  Bears got back to work after the Bye week, but a few players are still on the mend.

Rookie offensive lineman Lance Louis might have to go to the principle’s office for a little tussle back in college.  So much for only drafting “character guys.”

Speaking of the draft, it’s never too early for Jerry Angelo to be working on it.   With the luck Jerry’s had with his high picks, do you think he’s over-analyzing a bit?  Just wing it, Jer!

Cedric Benson and Kyle  Orton have been making the headlines, but there are enough ex-Bears out there to start a whole offense.  David Haugh is putting together the All Ex-Bears Offense.  No, it’s not a joke.  Might as well throw in Rex Grossman as the backup QB and soon-to-be ex Bills coach Dick Jauron to lead this band of merry men.

And while we’ve got the Bills on our minds, let’s please put all the TO nonsense to bed.   Besides being a cancer in the locker room, TO stands for Too Old.  He’s sneaking up on 36 which is dinosaur-old for football players and bloggers alike.  Besides, we’ve already got a #81.  Who needs Owens when you’ve got Rashied Davis?

The Bears are inching up in ESPN’s  Power Rankings without even playing last week while the Ebony Bird has some rankings of his own.

The mother ship has launched a new daily feature called the Everything Power Rankings that brings you the hottest stories from around the web with a twist.  Check ’em out!  Every day.

Outside of the Bears universe, Deadspin has uncovered the Favre-mobile.  You half expect Favre to hop out in a Batman costume and Adrian Peterson to be sportin’ the Robin.  On the other end of the spectrum, you’ve got this douche-bag who’s can’t even pop for a new Favre jersey.  It’s not looking too promising for the Lions as they prepare for the Packers.  How fun would it be if they could pull it off and push the Pack down to the bottom of the NFC North standings?


Through the month of October, my usual BEAR DOWN signoff will be in pink to raise awareness for National Breast Cancer Awareness month.
