The Mark Sanchez hot dog-gate from the Jets win over the Raiders has been well-documented. In fact, he made more news today to take a potentially negative situation positive, by donating a bunch of wienies to a soup kitchen.
He’s not the only one who’s been eating on the sidelines. Thanks to some insiders that were at the Bears-Bengals debacle on Sunday, here is a report of what players were eating on the sidelines during the 45-10 ass-whoopin’:
Cedric Benson: Snickers, he was snickering at his old team all day long
Jay Cutler: Payday, he got his payday and didn’t seem to care about what was going on at the game
The offensive line: Sloppy Joe’s, just plain sloppy play
Lovie Smith: Whatchamacallit, looked clueless all game did have his team ready and did not have an answer to the Cinci offense
Devin Hester: Butterfinger, for his fumble but otherwise a nice game.
Frank Omiyale: Tootsie Pops – how many licks to get past him? One, two, SACK!
Greg Olsen: Drinking Milk from the carton.
Gaines Adam: SlimFast. How else can this dude stay so trim?
Zack Bowman: Toast with butter and no jam
The Bengals: Skor – they were scoring all day long.
The Bears: Humble Pie – served with a side of crow and a scoop of ice cream.
As for me, I lost my appetite about halfway through the first quarter.
Through the month of October, my usual BEAR DOWN signoff will be in pink to raise awareness for National Breast Cancer Awareness month.