Greg Olsen moonlighting at Fed Ex

With the lousy season the Bears have had, players are starting to plan for life after football.  This was supposed to be a breakout season for the third year tight end, but instead it’s been a disappointing season for Greg Olsen too.  Olsen took the opportunity on his off day to try his hand at Fed Ex.  Save your drop jokes and nice package jokes for another time – this season is no laughing matter.  For the “official” story on what Olsen was doing, follow the jump.

Chicago, Ill., December 1, 2009 – The Chicago Bears’ Greg Olsen  took a new job today, to provide some extra help behind the counter at the FedEx Office location on Canal Street.

Olsen along with 5 other NFL players in cities across the country helped promote a national “Pack and Ship with the Pros” program from FedEx Office, giving customers a chance to win Super Bowl tickets and ship with their local pros. Here Olsen lends a hand in helping  FedEx Office employees  pack and ship this holiday season (Photo Credit: Brian Kersey)

Thanks to my new friend Kate for providing the pics and info.

