BGO Teams up with 80’s Tees for Awesome Bears T-shirt Contest

The Holidays are upon us and even though the Bears haven’t given us many gifts this season, it doesn’t mean it’s not the season of giving.  What better gift could you give the favorite Bears fan in your life than a T-shirt from the glory days of Chicago Bears football – the 1980’s?

I was really excited when contacted me about carrying some awesome new Bears merchandise, including the infamous “Ditka” sweater.  I cannot confirm this, but I hear the sweaters from 80’s Tees are actually drizzled with Da Coach’s mustache sweat.

Be sure to check out all of their excellent Bears gear.

Thanks to by new best friend Noah representing 80’s Tees, Bear Goggles On readers get an exclusive 20% off discount by entering “beargoggles” at checkout.  Hurry, this limited time discount code is only valid until December 14th.    In the spirit of giving, 80’s Tees has generously offered 3 – count ’em three T-shirts as prizes for our latest contest.  Since the site is 80’s Tees and the Bears were in their glory in the 80’s, I have carefully crafted a trivia contest to test your 1985 Bears knowledge.

So here’s what you need to do.  Send me an e-mail to with the subject line Bears Trivia with your answers to the following 10 questions.  Three winners will be selected based on the highest scores and tiebreakers.

  1. Who did the Bears defeat in the first game of the 1985 season?
  2. Who scored the Bears’ first TD in Super Bowl XX?
  3. Walter Payton scored how many touchdowns in Super Bowl XX?
  4. William Perry scored his first TD against which team?
  5. How many teams did the Bears shutout in both the regular season and playoffs?
  6. Who led the ’85 Bears in TD receptions?
  7. Who registered a safety for the Bears in Super Bowl XX?
  8. Who was the first to sing alone in the Super Bowl Shuffle video?
  9. What is the sum of the jersey numbers of all the Bears that had individual singing parts?
  10. How many rushing yards were allowed by the Bears in Super Bowl XX?

Tie-breaker: Predict the Bears-Packers score.  Don’t forget the tie-breaker.

Winners get to pick a Bears T-shirt (sorry, the sweater or other 80’s merchandise is not eligible).  Hurry, entries must be submitted before kickoff of the Bears/Packers game next Sunday.  Thanks again to my new friends at  Don’t forget to use our exclusive discount code for Bears gear or any of the 80’s awesomeness .

