The DeCon’s Week 14 Fantasy Football Picks – PLAYOFF EDITION

I am going to try a little different format this week as you likely embark on week 1 of your fantasy football playoffs.  All weekend, the DeCon will be in the little box on the side of the pews to hear your confessions.  That is, send an e-mail to with your lineup questions and I will answer you with specific feedback on your given situation.  I am switching to this format so I can make sure to give you targeted feedback that is useful to you in this very important week 1 of the playoffs for most leagues.  I will be checking right up until kick-off on Sunday, so I will do my very best to get back to you in a timely fashion.  We will see how it goes this week.  If you have other suggestions on what would be useful to you in your fantasy football endeavors, post a comment here or send me an e-mail.

Can I get an “Amen” ?

The DeCon has spoken…so let it be written, so let it be done…

I’ll hear your fantasy football confessions at
