Bear Dawn (12/14) – Bears vs. Packers Aftermath

I’ve supported Lovie Smith at times when others were calling for his head. After past seasons, I thought we were a few pieces away from being a good football team. Now? Lovie Smith is a joke. Yesterday was an awful performance. At times, we looked as though we were a legitimate team. The flip side of that coin was watching players committing stupid penalties or just getting flat-out beat.

What coach calls a timeout, then challenges a play that was clearly called correctly? That bumbling ignorance cost us two timeouts we could have used at the end of the game. But no….we’ll be left listening to his “press conferences” today listening to how he believes we have a good football team.

Cut the damn cord already. This act is getting old, especially from a team that has the easiest schedule in the NFL. Lovie has to go.

And now, let’s get to the links:

Lovie Smith’s post-game reactions. (Video)

Jay Cutler’s post-game reactions. (Video)

The yellow flags killed the Bears….again.


An updated Chicago Bears as Simpsons characters.

The Bears set new lows in the loss to the Packers.

Chicago Sun-Times

Today’s “Understated Title” winner is: “Not a good day for Chris Williams.”

The runner-up to the previous story is: “Timeout-Bears not on the same page.”

Rick Morrissey: This loss does not help Lovie Smith’s chances for staying on.

Chicago Tribune

Here are Lovie’s remarks.

Here are the Bears’ players remarks.

Here are the Packers’ players remarks.

Here are Mike McCarthy’s remarks.

Johnny Knox had another big game against the Packers.

Fred Mitchell: The Packers’ D has Cutler’s number.

David Haugh: The Bears’ loss is only a microcosm of their 2009 campaign.

Apparently, the Bears are pissed at themselves for that horrific performance you saw yesterday.

Brad Biggs and David Haugh break down the loss. (Video)

No one can be upset with Devin Aromashodu’s performance.

Dan Pompei muses on why the Bears – Packers games have turned into a non-existent rivalry.

Make sure to have a trash can nearby: Here are the top 10 salary cap players on the Bears.

To follow up that article, the Bears have salary cap space to work with.

The Bears are out of the playoffs, marking 10 losing seasons in the last 14.

Steve Rosenbloom has an excellent article on how bad the Bears were yesterday.

Photos from the game.

CSN Chicago

John Mullin grades the Bears on their pitiful performance.

Jay Cutler was right in pressing for DA to get more playing time.

There are way too many questions about these Bears of ours.

Daily Herald

The Bears couldn’t overcome their 13 penalties. In a related story, the Bears are bad.

Bob LeGere grades the Bears.

Devin Aromashodu sure made the most out of his first start.

Lindsey Willhite isn’t too pleased about Lovie’s lack of clock/challenge management.

Johnny Knox was both good and bad in yesterday’s loss.

Photos from the game.

ESPN Chicago

Yet again, the Bears killed themselves with penalties.

Jeff Dickerson believes that Lovie threw the red flag at the right time.

Was it Cutler’s or Knox’s fault for the Nick Collins INT? Jeff Dickerson thinks it was Cutler’s.

The Bears’ D started slow….again.

Blog Down, Chicago Bears

Shea Johnson vents on the “game” from hell.
