Bear Dawn (12/15)

Ok, now I’ve officially had it. I’m going to give you two quotes, and you tell me who said it:

1) “As I look at our eight losses, three of them were legitimate losses. The other five, we were right there. We had opportunities.”

2) “No reason to think we can’t make (the playoffs in 2010).”

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the current (and hopefully future pink-slipped) coach of the Chicago Bears!

Let’s go through what’s wrong with those statements….first, all eight were legitimate losses. We sucked this year. Regardless of what happened in those games, they ended in losses. Bottom line. As for the second statement, it’s such a moronic claim to make. With our current offensive line, defensive line, and secondary, we’re going to be bad for years to come unless we make major changes.

The Bears are now dealing with the harsh reality (that we all knew a month ago) that they’re not a playoff team.


Jeff Hughes was deeply disappointed and wants management to make a change.

Jeff Hughes is also upset that the Bears took so long to play Devin Aromashodu.

Chicago Sun-Times

The only thing the Bears can do is be spoilers. Thanks for a great season, fellas.

Devin Aromashodu had a career day.

Mark Potash muses on the 2009 season.

Mark Potash has a great commentary on how Lovie needs to be held accountable for his actions.

Chicago Tribune

Lovie re-explained himself about the timeout and challenge fiasco.

Brad Biggs: The Bears have lost their touch. No kidding….never woulda guessed.

Want some terrific news? Devin Hester will remain out with his calf sprain.

Lance Briggs is back, therefore Cato June is out.

Minus his horrible overpursuit of Ryan Grant, Kevin Payne will most likely keep his job.

Bad news: Brian Billick will be in the TV booth for the Ravens game.

John Harbaugh is being secretive about the availability of Ed Reed, Mark Clayton, and Jared Gaither for next Sunday.

CSN Chicago

John Mullin reflects on the game.

John Mullin writes a smug reflection of his initial critique of Cutler. I have nothing more to add, mostly because I’m tired of fighting the football stupid.

Lovie is starting to build his “I-Should-Stay-Because….” case.

Daily Herald

To progress, the Bears need coordination. Something they’ve sorely lacked thus far.

Barry Rozner: Cutler needs to protect the ball more. Sure. And then you’ll blame him for not doing anything. He can’t win, Barry.

The rest of the season isn’t looking too bright.

ESPN Chicago

Who should you blame for the loss? Not the defense, Jeff Dickerson writes.

Jeff Dickerson also gives us five reasons to keep watching the Bears.

Lovie Smith believes a lot went wrong this season. YA THINK?!

Want to know why Devin Aromashodu hasn’t played up until now?

Melissa Isaacson: Minus DA’s performance, the Bears were bad on Sunday.

Jon Greenberg: Please, McCaskey’s, do something about this beleaguered franchise.

Tom Waddle grades the Bears.

Da Coach diagnoses the Bears – Packers game.

Pro Football Talk

Here are some Bears and Packers one-liners from the game.

Sporting News

My guy wiltfongjr discusses where the Bears should go from here – Don’t miss it!

Blog Down, Chicago Bears

Matt Phillip: The Bears’ last drive is a picture of how the season has gone.
