The Wall Street Journal has an excellent article looking at Cutler’s interceptions and what it means going forward. Have no fear, Bears fans: 14 of the 23 HOF QB’s have led the league in interceptions.
Think about it. Cutler’s playing with a porous offensive line, a non-existent running game, and a group of young, raw WR’s. Of course he’s going to struggle! Step away from the ledge and pray (hard) that the Bears management fixes those problems in the offseason. They won’t, but we can at least hope.
Lovie Smith singled out Anthony Adams for his play last Sunday.
Johnny Knox and DA are bright spots for the Bears. We’ve really fallen when these articles get cranked out.
One bright spot: Bears rookies attended a holiday party for children.
Our guy Boomer doesn’t think Lovie Smith is a legitimate coach. I’d like to watch someone try to mount a defense for Lovie.
Jeff Hughes is still pissed at Lovie, and he wields a powerful situation to show why he should be fired.
Chicago Sun-Times
It looks like Marcus Harrison will lose some PT to Anthony Adams.
Mark Potash: Instead of focusing on the future, Lovie’s playing to win to save his job.
Chicago Tribune
David Haugh: Not only are Lovie’s clock management skills suspect, so is his decision making.
Dan Pompei continues to rail against Jay Cutler.
Dan Pompei: Here’s a look at a play that killed the Bears on Sunday.
Lovie Smith is still the optimist when it comes to the Bears.
Even though DA had a breakout game, he’s still not promised more playing time.
Brad Biggs: Bears need to draft better. Thanks for that insightful analysis.
Adrian Peterson doesn’t expect to be a Bear in 2010.
The Ravens are planning on running the ball against the Bears. No kidding….
CSN Chicago
Even though he could play the backups to see what we have, Lovie’s playing the best players so he can keep his job.
The Ravens present a very familiar challenge for the Bears. That is, they’re the better team.
Daily Herald
Lovie Smith re-explains himself about the timeout/challenge fiasco.
Bob LeGere: Lovie’s only goal is to win these final three games.
Mike Imrem: Where oh where did the Bears go?
Barry Rozner: Getting rid of Ron Turner won’t help Cutler at all.
Bob LeGere: The glass is always half-full with Wanny and Lovie.
ESPN Chicago
Melissa Isaacson: Here’s how the past three Bears coaches got fired….notice any similarities?
Trent Dilfer believes that the Bears should stick with Lovie Smith. Mark that down as another reason why I don’t like Trent Dilfer. (Video)