Where do the Bears Rank among the Super Bowl Teams of the 2000’s? Bear Dawn (12/17)

To be fair to the author of this piece, Dan Parzych, I have no idea if he’s a media newbie. But if you want to lower your IQ reading ridiculously stupid articles, I have a treat for you.

Young Danimal decided to rank the 20 teams that made the Super Bowl within this decade. Naturally, I was curious to see how low the Bears ranked. Unfortunately, Danimal ranked the 2006 Bears as #11. Fair enough. However, he also ranked the 2006 Colts as #13.

WHAT?! We got waxed in that game! But we were better than the Colts? Oh, ok.

Now, I do have a bit of empathy for Young Danimal. I’ve done a lot of draft-type Big Boards and Mock Drafts, and I’ve gotten ripped for my rankings before; that’s been ok with me, because my ego isn’t tied into being Mr. NFL Draft. But, I know his pain. However, I’ve also never made such a hideous mistake in my rankings like that, so I’ll still join the masses and laugh.


Jerry Angelo’s weekly Q&A with Bears PR spinmaster Larry Mayer.

Get this: The Bear are going to try to not shoot themselves in the foot.


Jeff Hughes has switched his view, now putting the crosshairs on Virginia McCaskey to take some action. I love this guy’s articles.

Adewale Ogunleye blogeth! This time, he muses on what the rest of the season will be like without the playoffs to shoot for.

Chicago Sun-Times

Mike Mulligan: Even though she’s 86, Virginia McCaskey makes the decisions on head coaches.

Slip this into the “Slow News Day” category: Apparently, Marvel comics has a new one coming out that shows the destruction of Soldier Field.

Chicago Tribune

Dan Pompei gives us the Jay Day transcription.

Charles Tillman (back), Zack Bowman (just bad), and Devin Hester (calf) sat out practice yesterday.

Ray Lewis is into yoga. Now you don’t have to read the article.

Brendon Ayanbadejo claims the Bears never gave him a chance. Cry me a river, bozo.

Devin Hester had some pointed barbs for the coaching staff.

But, apparently, the media took his comments out of proportion. Funny how that happens.

Moral of this article: Ray Lewis doesn’t care that Brian Billick is commenting on the game.

Orlando Pace returned to practice with the second team.

Ed Reed is still out of practice.

Mike Martz thinks the Bears problems are with personnel and not coaching, which explains why the man still doesn’t have a job.

CSN Chicago

John Mullin’s Week 15 NFC North Power Rankings.

John Mullin: Does Cutler have Ron Turner’s back? Gavin Tugana: He shouldn’t.

Daily Herald

Bob LeGere comments on what Hester said early yesterday.

ESPN Chicago

Ray Lewis still has faith in Brian Urlacher.

John Harbaugh still believes Devin Hester to be a legitimate punt return threat.

Ron Turner is not surprised about Hester’s comments. And he shouldn’t be.

Melissa Isaacson: No one is protecting Ron Turner. And they shouldn’t.
