Hue Jackson the latest Bears Coordinator Candidate


You can cross Ken Zampeze off the list of possible Bears offensive coordinators.  You remember him, right?  Bengals QB coach that hopped on the Bears interview merry-go-round a couple of weeks ago.  Apparently he’s pulled out of consideration.  This from Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis:

"After Zampese interviewed with the Bears for the position Jan 12-13, Lewis gave his coach a week to make a decision.“For us, that time has come and gone as far as the deadline,” Lewis said Monday. “That’s kind of closed up, and I don’t think Lovie (Smith) has made a decision on what he wants to do yet.”"

Now add Ravens quarterbacks coach Hue Jackson to the carousel.  No, not Wolverine.  That would be an improvement to the crap that they’re left to sift through for this job.  Just check out the highlights from Jackson’s resume:

– The Ravens’ 2009 passing game ranked 18th, one spot behind – you guessed it – the Ron Turner led Chicago Bears with Jackson mentoring Joe Flacco as QB’s coach.

– Back in 2003, Jackson was the OC of the Washington Redskins.  You know where that offense ranked?  23rd.

– Better yet, how about the 2007 Atlanta Falcons, where Jackson led the Falcons to a 23rd ranked offense as the OC.

Hey, at least he’s consistent.   My guy Decon is calling this whole coordinator search a joke.  Me, I’m getting pissed about the whole thing.  This is such a goddam disgrace, it makes me sick.  It almost makes me miss Ron Turner’s good old predictable bubble screens.

But don’t worry, Tim Hassellbeck thinks Jackson “has a presense.”  Yeah, so does a bad fart.  And this from the guy whose biggest accomplishment is marrying that chick from Survivor.

Maybe that’s how this whole coordinator search should go.  Turn it into a reality show.

The tribe has spoken.