Congratulations Chicago Blackhawks!


We interrupt this regularly scheduled Chicago Bears blog to congratulate the Chicago Blackhawks, who just swept the San Jose Sharks en route to the Stanley Cup Finals.  If you’re a regular reader and not a hockey fan, give it a shot.

First of all, let me say that if you’re looking for hardcore hockey insight, you’re probably at the wrong website.  Let me refer you to one of the top Chicago Blackhawk bloggers around – Jeff Bartl of FanSided’s own Blackhawk Up.  You want to get some keen insight, he’s  your guy.

As for me, I’m a born-again Blackhawks fan.  I have been on the bandwagon for a couple of years ago after a hiatus since the mid-90’s.

Since it’s offseason for the Bears, I’ll chime in a bit on the Hawks and their quest for the Cup.  It’s rare to get a champion in Chicago and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna miss out on the fun as the Hawks try to bring Lord Stanley’s Cup to Chicago for the first time in nearly 50 years.   Don’t worry, I’ll keep you up with any and all Bears news along the way.  In the meantime…