If you’re dying to see what Julius Peppers looks like in the Orange and Blue or you want to check out the new wrinkles Mike Martz brings to the offense, fear not Bears fans. The Beloved have announced their training camp schedule to get the 2010 campaign underway in earnest. Check out the dates and times from the Bears website:
"DAYDATEPRACTICE TIMEFridayJuly 303:00 p.m.SaturdayJuly 317:00 p.m.SundayAugust 13:00 p.m.MondayAugust 2NoonTuesdayAugust 33:00 p.m.WednesdayAugust 47:00 p.m.ThursdayAugust 53:00 p.m.FridayAugust 67:00 p.m. (Soldier Field)SaturdayAugust 7Off daySundayAugust 87:00 p.m.MondayAugust 93:00 p.m.TuesdayAugust 107:00 p.m.WednesdayAugust 113:00 p.m.ThursdayAugust 123:00 p.m.FridayAugust 13Travel daySaturdayAugust 14at Chargers (Preseason opener)SundayAugust 15Off dayMondayAugust 163:00 p.m.TuesdayAugust 177:00 p.m.WednesdayAugust 183:00 p.m.ThursdayAugust 193:00 p.m."
So gas up the family truckster and point it toward Bourbannais – or Bearbonnais – on July30 as the Bears invade central Illinois in their summer home away from home. If you’re not up for a road trip, mark your calendars for August 6th, which is Family Night at Soldier Field. It’s always a great event that draws a great crowd.