Predicting All 16 Bears Games

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Final record predictions:

Boomer: Bears crawl to an 8-8 record thanks to a late gimme from the Packers, who lay down in the finale. Like the last time the Bears went to the playoffs and Rex Grossman was busy planning his New Years party. It’s an improvement over last season’s 7-9 but is it enough to spare Lovie and Co. Pray the collective bargaining agreement is worked out or it’ll be another year of the Three Stooges.

DeCon:  The Bears will finish 10-6.  Someone has to have a set or maybe I drank too much Blue and Orange Kool-Aid…somehow I just don’t think they will be as bad as everyone thinks.  As anyone will tell you, I am an eternal optimist when it comes to the Bears and I am a Cubs fan too, so go figure.  The D hasn’t looked bad and I have to believe…I HAVE TO…that Martz was holding back big time, not just in his play calling, but in the protection schemes.  I know he didn’t want to get JC killed in the preseason, but JC is a tough S.O.B. and he might just lead the Bears to the playoffs OR I am dead wrong and he will be on IR by week 4.  Let’s pray for the former.

Bart: Bears finish 9-7 and in the playoffs with a Wild Card.

Gavin: DeCon, I love ya, but you’re crazy. I’m betting on a 6-10 record, and I think it could be worse. Why? Air Martz has no offensive line, our secondary is horrific, and Lovie Smith is still our head coach. Add in a tough schedule  and we’re all set for funbad. I’m also betting Cutler gets knocked out of three games due to Chris Williams being a turnstile, Jerry Angelo retires at the end of the season, and Ted Phillips announces that massive change is necessary, but continuity is important. Oh, have I mentioned that this is the most uninterested I’ve been about a Bears season? Thanks, Lovie! Idiot.

City: I have them at 8-8 and bragging about how they played above everyone’s expectations. I also predict that the Bears won’t fire Lovie right away; they’ll wait to see what happens with the collective bargaining negotiation / walkout and decide about 4 weeks after Cowher has signed with another team. (My new coach prediction: Leslie Frasier)

Sam: Bears Finish 2010 season 7-9
