Seahawks Won’t Leave the Bears Quaking

Seahawk fans take real pride in being the 12th man.  I know firsthand from a couple of trips to see the Bears play there, it’s probably the loudest stadium – dome or otherwise – in the league.  The bad news for them is they don’t get to bring them to Chicago.

By now, you’ve probably seen the Marshawn Lynch ridiculous run to nail down the upset over the Saints.   Even if you have, it’s worth another look

Pretty awesome, right?  Seahawks fans thought so, so much so that they have have caused a small earthquake.  No, I’m not kidding.  Check out this post on Yahoo’s fantastic Shutdown Corner:

"At 4:43 p.m. PT on Saturday, almost exactly the same time that Lynch was bouncing off eight different Saints defenders for the touchdown that sealed the Seahawks’ upset win, the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network recorded a small tremor from a monitoring system right by the Old Kingdome, which was blown up years ago to make room for the new baseball and football stadiums.According to the PNSN, the tremor was recorded at just that one location (the “SoDo” — or “South of the Dome” area)."

This puts a lot of pressure on Bears fans to “Shake the Lake” on Sunday and make the Seahawks feel as uncomfortable as possible.  It’s a pretty lame campaign, but when I heard about the supposed quake, it made me think of it.

