Bears vs Packers – The 1941 Playoff Matchup

Sunday’s NFC Championship marks just the second time in the storied Bears-Packers rivalry that the teams face off in the postseason.   The last time they met up was just a week after the attack on Pearl Harbor.  The Bears were victorious, securing a 33-19 win and a trip to the NFL Championship against the New York Giants.

Ironically enough, the Bears have been talking about re-instilling the Monsters of the Midway mantra, made famous in the ’40’s.  Isn’t it funny that it now comes down to a repeat of a matchup from that era.  The Bears’ official website raided Virginia McCaskey’s home movies to dig up this highlight package from the 1941 playoff matchup between the Bears and the Packers.  It’s a really cool view.  Hit it after the jump (and sorry about the autoplay).

Here’s the box score from the Bears’ win:

1stPackersClarke Hinkle 1 yard rush (Don Hutson kick)70
BearsHugh Gallarneau 81 yard punt return (kick failed)76
2ndBearsBob Snyder 24 yard field goal79
BearsNorm Standlee 3 yard rush (Joe Stydahar kick)716
BearsNorm Standlee 2 yard rush (Joe Stydahar kick)723
BearsBob Swisher 9 yard rush (Joe Stydahar kick)730
3rdPackersHal Van Every 10 yard pass from Cecil Isbell (Don Hutson kick)1430
4thBearsBob Snyder 26 yard field goal1433

I could live with a 33-14 Bears repeat of history, right?

