Deepest Sympathies to Lovie Smith on Passing of His Mother

Bear Goggles On would like to extend our deepest sympathies to head coach Lovie Smith on the passing of his mother Mae at the age of 77.  Here’s the scoop from Chicago Breaking Sports:

"Mae Smith had long suffered from diabetes. Gregory Dearion of Dearion & Davis Funeral Parlor in Gladewater said her funeral is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Jarvis Christian College in Hawkins, Texas.Dearion said Smith’s husband died in 1996.Born in the small East Texas town of Big Sandy, Mae Evelyn Chalk Smith was a longtime resident of nearby Tyler. In a 2007 interview with the Tyler Morning Telegraph, she said she had been a Dallas Cowboys fan until her son became the Bears coach."

I’ll never be accused of being a Lovie Smith fan,but this is really sad news for Lovie.   Keep him and the Smith family in your prayers.

