Ozzie Guillen Kicks Mask in Tryout to Become Bears Kicker

While our Beloved Chicago Bears bring the city together, baseball divides this town.   It’s that time of year again; time for the City of Chicago to be divided into North Side vs South Side.  It’s yet another edition of the Crosstown Classic and the series never seems to disappoint in terms of drama.  Last season featured Carlos Zambrano’s infamous meltdown.  We’ve had fights, walkoff game winners, etc., but last night’s action brought something new.

White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen did his best impromptu audition to become the Bears’ next kicker in the bottom of the 6th inning.  After a questionable call around the plate, Ozzie stormed out and after a quick hook, he took it upon himself to boot Cubs catcher’s Geo Soto’s mask.  Give it a look:

