The NFL Lockout is Nearly Over…Hall of Fame Game Cancelled!

In case you are living under a rock, by now you have heard that the NFL Owners have approved the new CBA.  The vote was 31-0 since the Raiders abstained…seriously Al Davis…abstain???  128 days into this lockout and you don’t really have an opinion on this thing???  What a tool, but anyway, also reported by the Commish, the Hall of Fame Game between the Beloved and the Rams has been cancelled.

"“We are unfortunately going to have to cancel the Hall of Fame Game,” said Goodell, because there’s not enough time for teams to prepare."

Thank the Maker for this!!!  They would have been crazy to try to play this game, despite the fact that Mike Martz thinks the Bears could be ready in 1 day.  If the Bears let any of their projected starting 22 and key special teamers and backups even get on the bus to go to that game, they would be certifiably insane!!! 

Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about it!!!

Alright players, the ball is at the goal line…”22 belly option, on 2, on 2!!!”  Let’s punch it in and let the real madness begin!!!

CAN I GET AN AMEN?!?!?!?!?!

The DeCon has spoken, so let it be written, so let it be done…
