Ditka: Bears Would Be Foolish to Give Briggs Contract Extension

A Reading from the First Letter of Ditka to Briggs

When the disciple Briggs called to Papa Bear for a new covenant, Da Coach got word of da blasphemy and struck him down on The Waddle and Silvy Show.

"“You can’t do it,” Ditka said on “The Waddle & Silvy Show” Monday on ESPN 1000. “I mean you just can’t do it. The Bears aren’t going to do it. Anybody in their right mind wouldn’t do it. If you do it, you’re a fool.”Ditka said it would set a bad precedent for the Bears to give in to Briggs.“To me, somewhere you have to draw a line in the sand,” Ditka said. “That’s my feeling. If every player who comes in and says they want a raise, you’re going to give him a raise? You’re going to run out of money.“When you sign a contract, you have an obligation. It says, ‘OK, we’re going to pay you this much, you’re going to sign the contract.’ Now all of a sudden you play for a while the contract is no good anymore? Stop it. When the contract is over, then you go in and ask for a raise.”"

Da Word of Da Coach


In case you’re new to the site, I’ve usually got my tongue firmly planted in my cheek when it comes to Ditka and these posts, but this time, I’ve got to agree with Da Coach.  Briggs is quickly becoming the Scottie Pippen of the Chicago Bears.  He signs a contract and then cries about it before the ink is dry.  I know that the lifespan of an NFL player is short and they need to get paid what they can and when they can, but Briggs needs to shut up and play or his legacy here in Chicago will not be as a perennial Pro Bowler but as a crybaby bitch who refuses to live up to his word.
