Grieving Urlacher Plans to Play vs Saints

The loss of a loved one is hard for anyone, even a warrior like Chicago Bears middle linebacker and team leader Brian Urlacher.  When word of Urlacher’s sudden departure from the team got out Wednesday morning to attend to a family emergency, you knew it had to be serious.  Later in the today, word of the sudden and unexpected death of Brian’s 51 year old mother Lavoyda spread.  Condolences and sympathies spread across the web but a selfish question lingered – Will Brian Urlacher play on Sunday?

I’m ashamed to admit the thought crossed my mind.  As Bears fans we know what the loss of Urlacher would mean to the defense, especially against a challenging opponent like the Saints.   I don’t think anyone this side of Maurice Jones-Drew’s Twitter account would question Urlacher if he took as much time as he needs to mourn the loss of his mom but according to Brad Biggs, it looks as though Urlacher will play on Sunday:

"The situation is very delicate, obviously, but I am told Brian Urlacher plans on playing for #Bears Sunday at #Saints"

Keep Brian, Casey and the rest of the Urlacher family in your prayers and some time between now and Sunday’s game, go call your mom and tell her how much she means to you.

