Want to Join the Bear Goggles On Team?
I’m officially putting out the old “Help Wanted” sign to find a some talented and passionate Bears fans to join the BGO team. The offseason is a perfect time to fill out our roster and add some fresh points of view to our team.
What are the requirements? It’s simple. First and foremost, we are seeking individuals with a passion for the Chicago Bears. You can be a glass half full guy, a glass half empty girl or anywhere in between; just be passionate.
If you’re an aspiring writer and want to build up your portfolio and hone your craft or you’re the ultimate Monday Morning Quarterback and want to rip Lovie Smith blowing yet another challenge and share your opinion with thousands of Bears fans, this blogging thing could be just the thing for you.
You’ll be asked to contribute at least one article weekly. Maybe your area of expertise is the draft or fantasy football? Maybe you enjoy Bears history and want to share some insights of Bears teams from long ago? Maybe you’re an aspiring comedy writer and want to have some fun at the Bears’ expense while we laugh along with you (or at you!). Maybe it’s all of the above. If you’re passionate about the Bears, we’ll find a spot for you on our team.
How do I apply? Just send a writing sample, preferably something Chicago Bears related, to beargoggles.boomer@gmail.com with the subject line Writing Submission. Be sure that whatever you write, you let your passion and personality come through. I’ll sift through the submissions and let you know if I think you’ll be a good fit.