Chicago Bears Cornerback Peanut Tillman Puts Pro-Packers Teacher in His Place

I heard about this story on the radio today and it’s now been picked up by the terrific Shutdown Corner blog over at Yahoo!.  It’s a pretty funny story and shows Peanut Tillman’s sense of humor and good nature.

While making an appearance in a Lakeview shoe store to support his Cornerstone Foundation, Bears Pro Bowl cornerback Charles Tillman was approached by the store owner’s daughter Casey Bridge for an autograph.  But she didn’t want just anything autographed, she wanted her homework assignment autographed.  Hit the jump to see the cockamamie question her teacher Mr Amrein asked and Peanut’s terrific response.

In case you’re having a hard time reading Tillman’s response, here it is:

"Mr. Amrein,This is Charles “Peanut” Tillman of the Chicago Bears and I’m shocked that you would have a problem like this for your students. The probability that the Bears would win in my opinion is 100%. Please do not and I repeat DO NOT send them home with math homework that is disrespectful to our team, city and our beloved Chicago Bears.Your All Pro CornerCharles “Peanut” Tillman33Geaux BearsP.S. Bear Down"

Good work by Peanut putting that wise-ass Packer fan teacher in his place.  I only wish he had one of his patented ball punches for Mr. Amrein too.

Casey saw that Yahoo had posted this and sent an e-mail to give some more details.

"My name is Casey, and I am the lucky girl who got her homework signed by Peanut Tillman. I wanted to just give you some more information on the matter. I was indeed at a running store that my father manages (Universal Sole) but it is not suburban, it’s in Lakeview. They were having a fun run, and I was doing homework that my accelerated math teacher had assigned. I was an 8th grader at a CPS school at the time. I saw the assignment, and realized it could not have been more perfect. All I asked for was a signature, just to poke fun at my teacher, but Peanut was so gracious and funny that he wrote the entire paragraph. I then showed Mr. Amrein, and he thought it was very funny, and gave me an A (but I also got the original question correct). He then gave me no homework for the rest of the week, and said that he only gave the problem “based on statistics”. He is a fantastic teacher, and makes math more fun with things like this. He is not at all rude, or biased, but just an exceptional math teacher. Thank-you for posting this."

Thank you Casey for the extra insight while kissing up to your teacher.  Just remember he’s a Packer fan and can’t be trusted.  As a Bears fan, you’re inherently smarter than he will every be.  Good work on the homework assignment and…

