Hello fellow Bear fans and Bear Goggles On readers! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pete Forberg, and I am a life long Bear fan born and raised in Chicago. I would like to start off by thanking Boomer and the great team at Bear Goggles On for allowing me to join their staff. I will be contributing my 2 cents on all things Bears, that I am sure will have half of you thinking I am crazy, and the other half agreeing with them.
I am from the suburbs and grew up in a house full of Bear fans that included three brothers. I have a weekly ritual with my dad going back 20+ years. We pick an exact score for every game. One that, for the past five years, my wife has joined (who prior to meeting me knew zero about football, yet gets closer more often then the two “experts”)
You will find that I sometimes can be a bit of a homer. That being said I also am not a afraid to tell it how it is when I feel that the beloved shoot themselves in their foot, like they tend to do. I look forward to what has the potential to be a special season at Halas Hall.
I am happy to join this great team and encourage all comments good and bad. Thanks again to the Bear Goggles On team! Thank you for reading! And as always