Brian Urlacher: Gone Fishing

Retirement seems to suit former Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher quite well.  It’s been a couple of years since he donned the Navy and Orange and after a brief stint with Fox Sports, Urlacher is really sucking the marrow out of retired life.  Just check out some of these pics that he posted on Twitter:

And last, but certainly not least…

Yup, that’s right.  Retired line backer named is boat “Line Breaker.” Get it?  He’s a former line-backer but his boat is called Line Breaker as in he’s breaking fishing lines hauling in these monster fish.  Who knew Urlacher was so creative?  But how about “the one that got away” Brian?  You remember this one?

Brady wiggled off the hook on that one.

It’s too bad that Urlacher never got his “white whale” while he was with the Bears.  You know, a Super Bowl.  Urlacher is probably the best non-murderer linebacker of this generation, but that missing hardware will haunt Urlacher like Moby Dick haunted Captain Ahab.

Since Phil Emery has been launched, you can expect to see Urlacher with more of a presence with the Bears this season.  It’s good to see #54 enjoying life after football.

