Honorable Mention- James “Big Cat” Williams- OT, 1991-2002; Louis Age- OT, 1992
I give these two honorable mention with one asterisk. First, with the name, “Big Cat,” one would assume he should keep his shirt on at all time, but Williams’ gut wasn’t too massive. He was just a mountain of a man that stood 6’7 and weighed in at 330 lbs. Williams was one of the largest men that has ever suited up for the Chicago Bears, but you could do far worse for the Body Issue.
Louis Age is the player that deserves an asterisk. He receives the * because the only reason he didn’t make the list is because his NFL career was so limited, you can’t find a decent photo of him. Age also stood 6’7 but tipped the scales at 350+. Age was listed at 350, but reporters around the team always said he was probably closer to 375-380. Mike Ditka drafted him in 1992 because he had dreams of another William Perry- but on offense. Age was so out of shape he could barely practice, he made the team based on potential, but lasted just one season in Chicago.