Hot Take Tuesday: Win Cements Glennon’s Ineptitutde

CHICAGO, IL - SEPTEMBER 24: Vance McDonald
CHICAGO, IL - SEPTEMBER 24: Vance McDonald /

Hot Take Tuesday: The Incoherent Rantings of a Belligerent Bears fan.

Well, well, well, Chicago Bears, welcome to the 2017 NFL season.

The Chicago Bears won a football game. It feels like it’s been a long time since that’s happened. Not only did they win a game, they beat the Pittsburgh Steelers. They beat a Super Bowl contender? How is that possible? Sure, they needed the friendly confines of Soldier Field to do it, but the entire city of Chicago dismissed a win on Sunday as a possibility and the Bears pulled it off.

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Let’s rejoice, right? Wrong. I have no reason for joy. Maybe that makes me a miserable Bears fan. Check that, it does make me a miserable Bears fan, but a win over the Steelers certainly isn’t going to erase the stain that is already smeared all over this season and it’s only week three.

Before I get to the weekly torch of Mike Glennon. Marcus Cooper? Are you kidding me? What an absolute joke that is. He claims he thought he was in the end zone? My ass he thought he was in the end zone. This was a guy that was showboating and had no idea anyone was tracking him down from behind. He was all set to walk into the end zone and enjoy his touchdown and he was humiliated. I hope John Fox torched him behind closed doors. I don’t need to see coaches publicly shame their own players, so I didn’t need to hear it publicly, but it better have happened. There’s no excuse, there’s no reason, there’s no explanation except that he could have cost the team the game, and if the Bears were a deeper team, I would have hoped Ryan Pace would have cut his ass.

What does this victory mean? It means the Bears are on the cusp of having a good, competent football team, that’s what it means. What have I been saying for months? This defense is good. This offensive line is good. None of you want to believe the offensive line is good, but it’s a good offensive line. The running game could become spectacular and that’s what we saw on Sunday. There are a lot of pieces in place. Sure, the wide receivers are rotten, but great quarterbacks can make rotten wide receivers look pretty good. But you know what a rotten quarterback does for rotten wide receivers? Makes them invisible.

So let’s talk about the rotten quarterback. I would rather have a three-legged donkey quarterback the team at this point. Hell, I’d rather have Mark Sanchez quarterback the team at this point (I’m not sure what’s a bigger insult). So the Bears have made it clear what they are going to do. They are going to run the football and dink and dunk because Mike Glennon isn’t an NFL quarterback.

CHICAGO, IL – SEPTEMBER 24: Mike Glennon
CHICAGO, IL – SEPTEMBER 24: Mike Glennon /

Great. So let’s sit Mitch Trubisky because he can’t run the game plan Mike Glennon ran on Sunday? My ass. Plus, there’s actually an arm attached to Trubisky’s shoulder that actually can throw the ball down the field. If a defense had to legitimately respect the deep ball, hell, respect the midrange ball, it would really open up the passing game underneath and make the running game even more potent.

But for some reason, Mike Glennon remains at quarterback and he obviously will this week against the Green Bay Packers on a short week. Hopefully this win against Pittsburgh doesn’t give the Bears’ coaches and front office any false hope that Glennon is a competent quarterback. He can’t throw. He has no pocket awareness. I mean, I’m so sick of saying the exact same thing each week. That interception late in the game intended for Zach Miller was an atrocious throw. The Bears want to say that Glennon did enough to win the game. That is completely inaccurate. He did enough not to lose it (barely). Hopefully the Bears make the move in week five against the Vikings but I’m not holding my breath. I have no confidence that this organization will make the right move.

Quick Hits

  • While the Bears receivers certainly are useless in the passing game, they are doing a great job blocking and opening up the running game. Go look at Tarik Cohen’s tremendous run in overtime and check out how great Josh Bellamy’s block was.
  • I brought up the thunder/lightning aspect of the Jordan Howard/Cohen combo basically on draft day, but limiting Howard to ‘thunder’ is unfair to everything he does. He’s far more than just a power back.
  • The Bears’ secondary continues to prove it’s no longer a weakness.
  • Kyle Fuller, while not a shutdown corner, is playing at a level where the Bears will have to legitimately consider giving him a contract when he is set to become a free agent after this year.
  • Pressure on the opposing QB continues to improve, when Leonard Floyd gets in a groove (and he will), the pass rush will really elevate.
  • Danny Trevathan really started earning his free agent contract. Stepped up big without Jerrell Freeman (and Nick Kiwatkoski for that matter).
  • I have no faith that this team can beat Aaron Rodgers on the road with Mike Glennon’s under center.