Here are the top five 2017 Chicago Bears’ performers through six games according to Pro Football Focus.

Nothing seems to get football fans more fired up than Pro Football Focus ratings. Fans love to blast the system and claim how it doesn’t make any sense and that all the ratings are wrong. While the ratings definitely seem to have flaws, there are plenty of positives that come out of these ratings, especially for positions that aren’t as easy to judge. It’s much easier to judge a quarterback, running back or wide receiver. It’s far more difficult when looking at offensive and defensive linemen to see if they are doing their jobs every play.
Before we dive into the top five graded players, we will start with the Bear that is most poorly graded. Not who is graded the lowest, but whose actual performance is worst reflected by their PFF grade. After that, we count down the top 5 Bears, starting with number five. Check it out.