3 Chicago Bears who could be surprise cuts before Week 1 of the 2024 NFL season

Arizona Cardinals v Chicago Bears
Arizona Cardinals v Chicago Bears / Michael Reaves/GettyImages
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Larry Borom
Atlanta Falcons v Chicago Bears / Justin Casterline/GettyImages

Larry Borom, Offensive line

Larry Borom has been a valuable fill-in on the Bears' offensive line over the last few years. Borom is a former fifth-round selection from Missouri who has started 23 games since 2021.

Unfortunately, Borom has not been the most dependable piece. The tackle earned a 48.0 PFF grade in 2023, which was the lowest grade of his career. Borom allowed three sacks and was penalized five times in 411 snaps. While it may be nice to keep an experienced tackle like Borom around, the Bears may prefer to give that job to the developmental rookie Kiran Amegadjie. Amegadjie is considered a raw prospect who needs time to develop, but with a strong summer, the rookie could win the job.

Moving on from Borom would save money and allow Amegadjie to get valuable experience. This could be the direction the Bears go depending on how the summer shakes out.