Kevin Byard - Eagly (Peacemaker)
Another installment of the DC Universe, Peacemaker follows the titular superhero, portrayed by John Cena, as he looks to infiltrate an alien operation capable of taking down the world. Joined by an eccentric group of secret agents and vigilantes, Peacemaker is accompanied by his pet sidekick Eagly, a bald Eagle who can anticipate his hero's every move.
Like Eagly, newly signed safety Kevin Byard is a key glue guy to the team's operation. Stepping into Eddie Jackson's shoes, Byard is tasked with keeping this talented Bears secondary together throughout the year. With eight seasons and 28 interceptions under his belt, Byard will be a great leader on and off the field, and his instincts truly make him a ball-hawk (or eagle) on the defense's back end.