Bears vs Bengals Previews (Videos)

In case you’ve been sleeping all week, the Bears take on the Cincinnati Bengals on Sunday.  I raided ESPN‘s video vault to bring you some previews for the “Benson Bowl.”

Here are a couple of previews from the Worldwide leader.  First, the Field Pass:

And in case you care what Da Coach thinks:

Big surprise – he thinks the Bears need to run it more.  Obvious Coach!  He gives some good insight, but how about a score?

Meanwhile, see what ESPN handicapper Hank Goldberg thinks as the Bears head in as a 1.5 underdog:

I think I’d rather follow the advice of Bear Goggles’ own Bart and his Bart’s Best.  I do agree with Hammerin’ Hank on the total. I think this one’s going to be a shootout.  You can check out my Keys to the Game too.

If you’re close to your laptop during the game, jump over to Bears Game Day at ChicagoNow to join my live game blog.  I’ll be giving the blow by blow account of all of the action.  Who knows, maybe we’ll get an in-game tweet from Ocho-tweeto?!?!


Through the month of October, my usual BEAR DOWN signoff will be in pink to raise awareness for National Breast Cancer Awareness month.
