Reviewing Preseason Bears Game Picks


So to start the season, we polled our expert staff to predict all of the Bears games.  Oh, come on.  You know you all do it as soon as the schedule come out.  The difference is, our picks have their own cozy place on the interwebs; yours are scribbled on the back of a parking ticket stuffed in the bottom of your glove compartment.

Overall, our staff picks weren’t too far off.  I’ll let you go back and review the detailed picks, but most people were right in the ballpark.  Check it out:

Boomer: 5-3

DeCon: 7-1

Bart: 5-3

City: 4-4

Sam: 5-3

Give DeCon credit -the Bears should be 7-1.  He picked a win against Green Bay and the only loss he had on the schedule was a loss to Dallas.  How things change a few short weeks later.   The rest of us were pretty tightly packed together, with City predicting a loss to the Redskins.  For the rest of us, we generally predicted losses to Dallas, Green Bay and New York.  As I’ve stated before, those important early wins were negated by home losses to Seattle and Washington.  A couple of quotes from the guys on their prognostications:


"I give myself the award for being almost right…the 2 games we really should have won, Seattle and Washington, ruined my 7-1 prediction.  I now believe the Bears can split with the Viqueens and beat either the Pats or Jets.  Both teams susceptible to the passing game and both games at home, so I’ll bump then to 5-3 in the second half and 10-6 overall…"


"Bears prediction up to this point:  5-3Bears current record:  5-3Hmmmm. (Didn’t quite get there the way I thought it would, but that’s not the point)"


"So, that whole Bears being good thing? Yuck. Then again, I was the idiot who chose Dallas and San Fran as division winners. Don’t worry, I’m still as cynical as ever. We’re going to get pummelled in the second half of the season, starting with the Vikings this weekend. Yeah, Brett might not be so good on the road, but nothing helps a winning streak more than the Lovie-2."

As for me, I see a 3-5 2nd half for the Bears.  They get wins against Minnesota this Sunday, a win against the Lions (which will be much tougher than anyone expects) and a garbage time win at Green Bay with Aaron Rodgers and Co resting up for the playoffs.