Chicago Bears outcoached, outclassed in 5 game losing streak

Chicago Bears - Credit: Quinn Harris-USA TODAY Sports
Chicago Bears - Credit: Quinn Harris-USA TODAY Sports

The Chicago Bears’ four-game losing streak has been brutal in plenty of ways. However, the worst part may be that this was so expected from the start. When you look at the five teams the Chicago Bears have lost to, and look at their history of success, the Bears were playing organizations known for winning. In recent years, the Chicago Bears have been known much more for finding ways to lose.

Do not get it mistaken, this is a coaching issue. We can talk about the players on the field all that we want, but Matt Nagy was in the biggest mismatch this past month. Against the Packers and 49ers it was Matt LeFleur and Kyle Shanahan. These are two names that Nagy should see as peers. All three are young, former offensive coordinators hired to bring in their offense.

Shanahan and LeFleur have gone to AFC championships, Matt Nagy has a gif of his reaction to a playoff loss. These two are building teams the way that fans assumed Matt Nagy would, these two are showing that you can hire the offensive guru, and still get a head coach.

In the final two games, Nagy faced off with Mike Tomlin and John Harbaugh. Neither are play-callers, but both are respected as the best for their CEO approach, and top-down organization.

Nagy noted that after he gave up play-calling duties that he would be more in-tune with the game like Tomlin and Harbaugh. However, the two of them schooled him in clock management, and how to pull off a close win at the buzzer.

LeFleur and Shanahan are what Nagy aspired to be when hired, and Harabugah and Tomlin are what Nagy said he would become after failing with play calls. In the past four games, he has proven that all four are more prepared for their role than he was. The Bears held leads in the second half of all four games and lost all four.

The 49ers, Packers, Steelers, and Ravens. These are four of the staples of the NFL. When you think of top organizations that win consistently, you think of these four. It is no surprise that they all hired a coach that fits their style and that they all can face adversity and pull out a win.

The same cannot be said in Chicago.
