Based on his role, size, and athleticism, the best NFL comparison for Kerby Joseph would be Tre Boston. The two are similar in size, and in a perfect world he would have a role similar to Boston.
Boston has moved around the NFL often, mainly because he has the similar boom-bust nature that Kerby Joseph currently plays with. He is typically a center fielder, and back there he often can make plays on the football. However, his range is not perfect, and he can beat over the top as well.
Still, he plays the run tough and makes enough plays on the football that you can live with him as a starter, and teams have been starting him for the past five years of his seven-year career. Teams think that they can do better and then realize they are better off with someone like Tre Boston.
This is the type of playstyle you should expect from a player such as Kerby Joseph. He may not be an elite starter, and his instincts can lack at times, but he is sound overall and makes plays on the football. That is good enough to get chances to start in the NFL. Now, the question becomes when does he get drafted? Tre Boston was a fourth-round pick, going at 128th overall.